The Racks are Free and Easy to Use
While waiting for your bus, remove loose items from your bicycle – water bottles, saddlebags and items that might obstruct the driver’s view
Inform the driver that you need to use the bike rack. You are responsible to load your bike
Always approach the bike rack from curbside
Wait for other bikes to be unloaded before installing yours
Always load your bike starting with the empty slot closes to the bus first. Children under 13 must have an adult load their bikes
Locking your bike to the rack is not permitted
Codiac Transpo is not responsible for damages to bikes, or for lost or stolen bikes
Load your Bike
Hold your bike with one hand and squeeze the lever to lower the rack
Lift your bike onto the rack, ensuring the front and back tires are in the correct slot
Pull out the tire arm hook and let it rest on the highest point of your tire
It’s that easy to load your bike

Unload your Bike
When exiting via the front door let the driver know you will be unloading your bike
Bikes are easy to remove no matter what slot they are in. Remove the tire arm and remove your bike to the sidewalk or curb side only
If no other bikes are being added, squeeze the handle and lift until the rack locks in place
Finally, signal to the driver when you are finished
Once the bus has left make sure to check for traffic before beginning to ride